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Making Milk Plastic!
1 cup whole milk
Small saucepan
Measuring spoons
Heat resistant dish
White vinegar
Paper towel
Cookie cutter or mold
Food colour or Mika powder (Optional)
Heat one cup of milk on stove top until steaming hot (a microwave for 3 minutes at half power will work too).
Remove from heat and pour into heat resistant container.
Add 4 teaspoons of vinegar.
Stir for about 2 minutes while curds form.
Strain out milk whey.
Squeeze curds into paper towel to remove excess moisture.
Mold into desired shape.
Let stand and dry for 48 hours. Then remove from your molds and use them to decorate, make jewelry, whatever you envisioned. Have fun with this biodegradable plactic!
This experiment is great for beginner or intermediate explorers, can be done with household ingredients and requires a stove, adult supervision, and plenty of patience.
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