Growing Bacteria
For this experiment, we ordered a Bacteria Culture Kit from Seaweed Solution Laboratories so we could grow samples from household items and study the bacteria that grows all around us!
Kit from
Seaweed Solution
Growing Bacteria Cultures!
Petri Dishes
Distilled Water
Cotton Swabs
Bacteria Samples
Lots of time
Kit from Seaweed Solution Laboratories:
In a small pot, Mix 10 grams of Nutrient Agar in 350ml Distilled Water at room temperature. Bring to a boil, stirring periodically.
Leave to cool for 20 minutes.
Pour a small amount into each petri dish, just enough to cover the bottom. You don’t need any more than that and can dispose of the rest.
We suggest letting it set (see step 4) and using the garbage, not the sink.
Put the lids on your petri dishes and leave them to sit for another 20 minutes. You should start to see the Agar solidify and become more jelly-like.
Using the cotton swabs to collect samples. You rub the swab over an item or area, like under your fingernails or a commonly used handle.
Gently scrape the cotton swab over the agar. Twist it, rub a couple times, just try to make sure you’re transferring some of the bacteria from the swab.
Put your petri dishes somewhere warm then sit back, be patient, and observe as your bacteria grow!
Ours took a couple days before they started showing big signs of growth but it was worth it because they became vibrant colonies after that! Take lots of notes or pictures and share your results!