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Elephant Toothpaste!
3% Hydrogen Peroxide - this can irritate your eyes and eye protection is advised
Dish Soap
A Container for the reaction
Warm water
Measuring Spoons
Food Colouring
A pan to collect our foam
Add ½ cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide to your container.
Add 1 tablespoon of dish soap and swirl gently to mix.
For Food colouring, if you would like your toothpaste to be one colour, add it now and swirl again. For stripes of colour, drip it down the sides of the container.
In a separate cup or container, mix1 tablespoon of yeast with 3 tablespoons of warm water and leave it for a minute to dissolve.
Now, add the yeast mixture to the peroxide and watch your reaction!
This experiment is for intermediate explorers, can be done with household ingredients, safety gear should be worn, is messy, and requires adult supervision.
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