Glitter Slime!
This slime sparkles from the inside out with glitter and becomes messy, beautiful fun.
Spiderweb Slime!
We're going to do a little spider-work of our own and make Spiderweb Slime to stretch into a marvellous web.
Magnetic Slime!
This slime has a mind of it's own once it gets near a rare earth magnet.
Fluffy Slime!
This beginner slime is great for molding or experimenting with ways to make it unique.
Alginate Gummy Worms
Biodegradable Seedling Pots
Cat Language
Charles' Law
Crystallized Sugar Sticks
Artificial Intelligence
Bending Light
Bouncing Eggs
Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher
Colour Changing Flowers
Density Column
Exploring Vacuums!
We make a vacuum using a simple candle flame and use it to pull an egg into a bottle!
Exploring Cohesion!
Using a very simple demonstration, we explore how Cohesion between molecules of a substance make them stick together!
Making a Tumblewing Glider!
We make a Tumblewing Glider and watch it tumble through the air while we observe the principles of aerodynamics!
Popsicle Stick Chain Reaction!
We've got an experiment that's not only mind-blowing but also a ton of fun; the Popsicle Stick Chain Reaction!
Walking Water Rainbow!
Get ready to watch water defy gravity in this amazing demonstration of Capillary Action!
Leak Proof Bag!
We’re going to poke holes in a plastic bag filled with water… without it leaking!
Charles' Law!
Simple materials from around the house help us explore how temperature affects the volume of gas.
Bending Light!
We explore the properties of light and how they can be manipulated through refraction.
Inverted Bubbles!
A recipe for strong bubbles and a special frame means we can poke a hole in a bubble.
Toilet Paper Air Pressure!
A super quick and easy look into air pressure.
Exploring the Water Cycle!
This fun and easy experiment shows evaporation, condensation, and precipitation in action.
Exploring Hydroponics!
We learn about Hydroponics, the gardening of the future!
Pinhole Camera!
We make our very own Pinhole Camera that will allow you to watch a Solar Eclipse from your backyard!
Supercool Fast Freeze!
Frozen Bubbles!
Braving the cold, we watch a bubble freeze and become its very own work of art.
Growing Bacteria Cultures!
We grow bacteria cultures from household items to see what grows all around us.
Colour Changing Flowers!
We use food colouring to change the colour of flowers.
Did you know that clouds are like floating ponds?
Swimming with Pigs!
We take to the sandy beaches of the Bahamas to swim with some very friendly swine!
We hatch and release some beautiful butterflies as well as create a feeder for our backyard.
Cat Language!
We follow our cat around the house to try to observe what certain behaviour means.
Soph joins to teach us all about these amazing little crustaceans that helps ecosystems thrive!
Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher!
Learn how to extinguish candles using a chemical reaction between baking soda and vinegar!
Bouncing Eggs!
We use a chemical reaction to turn eggs into a squishy, bouncing surprise!
Hot Ice!
This chemical reaction looks like magic, turning liquid into a solid crystal.
Milk Plastic!
Household ingredients turn into fascinating, biodegradable plastic in this experiment fit for a Queen.
Alginate Gummy Worms!
Some special ingredients and some chemistry help us make a gastronomic treat.
Lemon Battery!
With a special kit, we power a watch with a lemon.
Elephant Toothpaste!
This at-home version of elephant toothpaste is bubbly, messy fun.
Non-Newtonian Fluid!
In this experiment, we have fun with a liquid that's also a solid.
Puking Pumpkin!
How to use a simple chemical reaction to making a puking pumpkin, as well as a recipe for a tasty treat.
Using household items, we're going to make a thermometer that reacts to hot and cold environments.
We’re going to make a simple, at-home barometer to allow us to glimpse into upcoming weather patterns.
Density Column!
We stack liquids to make a 9 layer density column.
Lava Lamp!
By stacking liquids with different densities and adding a little effervescence, we can make our own version of a lava lamp.
Exploring Madrid, Spain!
We travel to Madrid, the capitol of Spain, to explore its art, food, culture, history, and much more!
Artificial Intelligence!
In this series, we're exploring artificial intelligence; what it is, how it works, and what it means for the future.
Pompeii, Italy!
We explore Pompeii, Italy, a city devastated by a nearby volcanic eruption in 79 CE.
The Science of Sourdough!
Following this simple recipe, you can team up with Wild Yeast and Lactobacillus Bacteria to create delicious and nutritious sourdough bagels!
Glow-in-the-dark Jello!
We make Jello that glows with fluorescence when exposed to ultraviolet light.
Supercool Ice Cream!
Using a supercooling solution, we can make ice cream with just a couple ingredients and without a machine.
Crystallized Sugar Sticks!
With a lot of sugar and even more patience, we watch sucrose molecules bond together to form some tasty science.
Food Dye Rainbow!
Using the food dye in skittles, we can make a colourful rainbow.
What is STEM?
In order to progress into the future, this form of education helps us focus on some keys areas for growth.
Women in STEM!
Join us as we profile a few fo the many, many amazing women working in STEM.
How to Tie a Bow Tie!
Learn how to tie a bow tie and look sharp for your next event.
Biodegradable Seedling Pots!
We recycle our own paper and form it into seedling pots we can plant right into the soil of our garden.
Landfill Experiment!
We recreate the effects of a traditional landfill with organic waste to show the harm of not composting food properly.
Solar Power!
This toy with an attached photovoltaic cell helps us learn about a clean form of renewable energy.
Making a Rain Gauge!
We make a rain gauge to help us study the weather in our own backyard.
Tornado in a Jar!
With a simple experiment using centrifugal force, we can study a force of nature.
Making a Water Cycle in a Baggie!
This fun and easy experiment shows evaporation, condensation, and precipitation in action!
We make a rain gauge to help us study the weather in
our own backyard.
This alien-looking liquid comes to life whenit's introduced to a magnetic field.
Dental hygiene is incredibly important, even Walter thinks so!
Fake Blood!
This quick recipe makes fake blood that's safe to eat and makes any costume spookier.
This alien-looking liquid comes to life when introduced to a magnetic field.
In this experiment, we’re going to poke holes in a plastic bag filled with water… without it leaking!
Elephant Toothpaste
Food Dye Rainbow
Glitter Slime
Growing Bacteria
How to Tie a Bow Tie
Inverted Bubbles
Fake Blood
Fluffy Slime
Frozen Bubbles
Glow-in-the-Dark Jello
Hot Ice
Landfill Experiment
Leak Proof Bag
Madrid, Spain
Milk Plastic
Pinhole Camera
Popsicle Stick Chain Reaction
Lava Lamp
Lemon Battery
Magnetic Slime
Non-newtonian Fluid
Pompeii, Italy
Puking Pumpkin
Rain Gauge
Sourdough Bagels
Supercool Fast Freeze Water
Tornado in a Jar
Vacuum an Egg into a Bottle
Water Cycle in a Baggie
Women in STEM
Solar Power
Spiderweb Slime
Supercool Ice Cream
Toilet Paper Air Pressure
Tumblewing Glider
Walking Water Rainbow
Do you have ideas for experiments that you'd like to see on our channel? Or questions you'd like answered? Or feedback about Clayton's Exploration Station?
Use this form to contact us or message us through our social media pages.