Making Bouncing Eggs!
Raw eggs
A glass or container
White vinegar
A spoon or tongs for handling the egg
A plate or tray
-Optional for Fluorescent Eggs-
Tonic water
An Ultraviolet Light
Gently place a raw egg inside your glass container. Pour white vinegar into the glass until it completely covers the egg.
Leave the egg in the vinegar for at least 24-48 hours. The vinegar will react with the eggshell, breaking it down, dissolving it, and cooking the egg membrane.
Use a spoon or tongs to carefully lift the egg out of the glass. Clean it and observe the differences. You'll notice that the eggshell is no longer present, and the egg should feel rubbery to the touch.
You can now gently bounce the egg on a plate or tray. It will bounce like a rubber ball but be ready for it to break after a couple bounces!
If you want to take the experiment a step further, you can create a fluorescent egg. Simply use an even mix of tonic water and vinegar for the solution. Tonic water contains quinine, which fluoresces under ultraviolet light. Turn off the lights and shine a UV light on the egg to see!
This experiment is great for Beginner Explorers
and uses household items.